The Catboy's Ideas

This is a little blog for my ideas and such as well as a little bit of info on my life. Hope you all like it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Tale of two comics

Honestly the first comic I ever read was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... I bought it with some money that I had earned working for my dad... doing things like picking up dog doo, racing out to the mailbox in the morning to get the paper( btw mailbox was a good 200 feet away... and morning was around 5am... pitch black with stories of stick indians, skin walkers, and all the evil spirits that were ment to live in the mind of a 10 year old.)
I lost that comic that very night at my cousin's house.
The next one I got was a pack of comics..
Superman... the one where he died.

The first webcomic I started reading was " Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire" I really liked that one and I still read it.
Though I am glad the whole, " LETS ROCK TO SAVE BARTHIS" storyline is over... damn that was like watching an 80's movie. It just needed the ditzy blonde with large breasts.

Not that all movies from the 80's were like that.... just most of them.

Anyways where is this going? lol
I don't know it is just a nice idea that I had in my head. Sometimes my ideas don't come in a nice stream... sometimes it slips around and gets caught in a shallow pool... waiting for the river of my thoughts to erode away at the little rock barracade that keeps the pool locked. Letting the ideas spill out.

Wow... that almost seemed like a profound idea. lol

okay enough ranting.
Gotta go.


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