The Catboy's Ideas

This is a little blog for my ideas and such as well as a little bit of info on my life. Hope you all like it.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Normal day

Honestly recently nothing big has happened.
I house sat for my aunt and uncle so I had a nice setup for internet access...
Other than that I found myself needing someone to talk to.
Honestly it is no fun when you don't have anyone to talk to about what is going on. Or when your in a house that is not yours late at night and your thinking that sound is someone that is comming through the front door because you forgot to lock it and they are gonna kill you.

That is why I slept on the couch. ^_^
Beyond that my schedual recently has been work, home, sleep.
Work, Home, Sleep.
Nice little routine but it needs help.
That is why I am trying to update the site in the time I have at night.
I hope everything goes alright with it.

Now the con.
I went.
I saw people in costume.
I watched AMVs.
I bought Hentai.
I tried to sell off a couple ranma cosplayers.
It was a full convention and I was happy to say...
wait... where was I going with this?

Okay yeah this is what....
I am gonna go to Kumoricon this September... that is what I was thinking of.
What about Sakuracon you ask?

Well unfortunatly it is getting too expensive to go... and eat.... and sleep.
So if I do go again... I will be camping in places that people should not camp.
The handicapped stall in the bathrooms.
They are usually the biggest and the cleanest of the stalls... so it would make a nice camp for a person that wants to make sure he is close to a toilet.


Okay enough of my ramblings... time for sleep.
All of you that are reading this....
So the two of you.
Have a good day ^_^

and weekend too lol.


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