The Catboy's Ideas

This is a little blog for my ideas and such as well as a little bit of info on my life. Hope you all like it.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Sakuracon 2007 update

Hey there everyone. Con update!
Didn't meet up with my friend from DA that makes the plushies... I couldn't find the table.
As for Fred Gallagher... I got him to sign my copy of "Megatokyo" Vol 4 and gave him a copy of " Catboy at the Con" Vol 1. I felt really nervous giving him it before then he spoke of him meeting up with a person he looked up to and when he gave that person a couple books and how he felt when doing it. I smiled and thought, " Okay... I am gonna give you the book and hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy your books." ^_^
Went to the Webcomic/ Manga Author's meet and greet.... interesting but honestly staff needs to pay attention to their scheduals a bit more... the person running the panel didn't know what time it started.
Oh and yes to my friends at Tip of the Sword, yes I spoke about your comic too. ^_^ A little free advertisement from your friend Catboy. ^_^
Other than that I am walking away from this convention with tons of pics, fun memories, friends, and tons of anime!!!!
To my readers... I have to say to those that came up and said hi and give me info on the comic... what they like and don't like, thank you. I hope I do well in the upcomming weeks to make great strips for everyone to enjoy.
Well time to head back to the con...... I will see you all Monday!


At 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conseils tres interessants. A quand la suite?


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